Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Meal Plans are the Bomb

I received affirmation tonight that having a meal plan for the week and shopping for it ahead of time is the way to go. Due to a fairly busy schedule this week, the levels of complexity added to our lives trying to adjust to steak-not-roast were surprisingly intense. I was hoping to go to yoga tonight. Throwing a roast in the oven is one thing; grilling a steak is another, when it comes to timing. My husband and I were going to eat at different times, so do we heat up the grill twice for one steak each time? And my husband was going to be juggling two kids during the supper hour, so it would be virtually impossible for him to get to the grill in the first place.

Never fear! We have groceries in hand for other meals as well! We decided to have tomorrow's meal tonight, and so while the boys napped this afternoon, I threw together Moroccan Chickpea Stew and whole wheat couscous so it was ready whenever they were, and I could enjoy it after yoga. Steak just doesn't quite fit with an after yoga late evening meal anyway.

So the steaks continue to marinate in their salt and pepper rub, and they will be lovely tomorrow when I can enjoy them with a glass of wine.

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